Tips to Reduce Stress and Clear Your Mind | Wellness News

There’s no question that there’s a lot more stress in life these days. Whether it be from work, money, relationships or family. It all adds up, and can be detrimental to your health. In addition to seeing a massage therapist regularly, here are a few daily tips to help clear your mind.

Take Five Minutes to Meditate 

You can meditate anywhere. Simply take five minutes, sit up straight with your feet on your floor, close your eyes, and focus on a positive mantra. Take deep breaths while holding your stomach. Focusing on a positive statement will help relieve any anxiety. 

Breathe Deeply 

It’s amazing what a good deep breath will do for you. If you have just a couple of minutes, rather than check emails or social media, take a few minutes for a couple of good deep breaths. This will help slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. 

Be in The Moment 

Have you ever heard the term, “be in the moment?” It’s simple – all you have to do is slow down. In a world with so many devices and screens open simultaneously, this one is crucial. Take a minute to reset and focus on the moment. Feel the air across your face, savor every bite when you’re eating. This will help relieve tension from your body. 

Get Moving 

Make sure that you get some exercise in your day. This doesn’t mean go for a big run or anything – make it simple, go for a short walk or do yoga. Moving helps relieve depression and anxiety. Moving releases feel-good chemicals and helps you deal with stress. 


One of the best ways to de-stress is to take time and de-compress. Everyone deserves a few minutes to take time for themselves. Use a warm towel and place it around your neck for 10-minutes. Close your eyes and relax your body. This will feel amazing. 

A therapeutic massage from  Elements Massage™ is one of the best ways to balance your mind and body. Contact your local Elements Massage™ studio to find a massage therapist that will personalize your massage and help relieve any tension you may have.

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