Celebrating Earth Day – Elements Massage

If you’re like us, you’ve been using every excuse you can think of to be outside and enjoy the spring sunshine. With the greening grass, spring flowers and the strikingly bright shade of blue in the sky, spring makes us appreciate nature in a unique and wonderful way. 

And that’s why we are thrilled to pay homage to our planet this Earth Day.  And in case you need some inspiration, here are some of our favorite reasons why you should spend some time outside celebrating the Earth next week on Earth Day, which is celebrated on Monday, April 22nd!

  • It feels good. And it’s not just in your head.  Your mental well-being gets a serious boost from spending time outside.  Being in nature has been linked to greater empathy and emotional stability, greater short and long-term attention spans, and an increase in the feel-good chemical serotonin (yes, that neurotransmitter that also gets a healthy lift from getting a massage).
  • It’s naturally fortifying. Are you tired of hearing about vitamin D yet?  Vitamin D gets a lot of hype simply because it really is that important.  Vitamin D is necessary for your body to absorb calcium, thereby strengthening your bones and teeth.  And the most effective way for your body to receive its daily allotment is through good old-fashioned sunshine from being outside.
  • Aromatherapy abounds. You know how the smell of fresh-cut grass or a spring rain can make you feel instantly energized or relaxed?  Smells are powerful mood boosters, and can even help to dramatically lower anxiety, focus your thoughts, or energize your mind. If you can’t make it outside or want the benefits of Aromatherapy all year round, visit an Elements Massage to try out our unique Elements Massage AromaRitual essences including Energize, which can help uplift your senses. 
  • The outdoors reduce stress: Just going for a walk or spending five minutes outside can have big impacts on your stress levels. Being outside can help you relax and reduce stress, because it reduces the production of cortisol, the hormone that produces stress. Spending time outside has also been linked to improved brain function and short-term memory.

Whether you renew your efforts to recycle more, explore alternate, less-polluting forms of transportation, or simply take a long walk outside appreciating the earth’s beauty, we encourage you to celebrate your planet. By respecting the Earth, you can show care and respect for your body, too.  What a beautiful win-win.

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